Outre les pages consacrées à la flotte ottomane, différentes pages sont consacrées à• l'organisation de la flotte turque• les différentes guerres livrées par la Turquie• la vapeurL'orthographe des noms de navire turcs est susceptible de variations relativement importantes selon que les sources sont françaises, turques ou anglaises.Les noms de bâtiments de guerre se différencient des navires de commerce et des corsaires par l'adjonction du préfixe HTSS (His Turkish Sultan's Ship)Le classement des vaisseaux ottomans
Le classement des vaisseaux ottomans
rangappellation canons ponts1er rangnavire de ligne+9032ème rangnavire de ligne80-8623ème rangnavire de ligne60-7624ème rangnavire de ligne46-581 ou 25ème rangfrégate32-4416ème rangcorvette22-281
Etat de la flotte ottomane au 1 janvier 1867.
Extrait de l'ouvrage "Turquie à l'Exposition Universelle de 1867" de Sakaheddin-Bey
BIBLIOGRAPHIE établie par Emir Yener
* Glete, Jan; “Navies and Nations: Warships, Navies and State Building in Europe and America”, Stockholm 1993* Ed. Gardiner, Robert; “Conways’s All the World’s Fighting Ships: 1860-1905”, London 1997* Morskoy Sbornik, 1851. The annual inter-service journal of the Imperial Russian Navy* Bal, Nurcan., ed. Süleyman Nutkî Bey’in Hatiralari. Istanbul: Deniz Basimevi,2003. (Acompilation of notebooks belonging to Süleyman Nutkî Bey, noted Ottoman military intellectual and founder of the Turkish Naval Museum. It’s an invaluable source for any student of Ottoman Navy’s social history.* Hasan Rami Pasa Hatiralar v.1. Ankara: Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanligi Karargâhi Matbaasi, 1997 reprint of the first volume of Hasan Rami Pacha’s memoirs. He was the Ottoman Fleet commander in 1897, later became the Minister of Marine.* Pears, Edwin. Forty Years in Constantinople 1873-1915. New York: D. Appleton,1916* Safvet. Bahriyemiz Tarihinden Filasalar. Istanbul: Donanma Matbaasi, 1912* Slade, Adolphus. Kapdan Pasa. Istanbul: Bogaziçi Yayinlari, 1973. Turkish translation of author’s well known two volume travel log Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c., and of a Cruise in the Black Sea, with the Capitan Pacha, in the Years 1829, 1830, and 1831, originally published in 1834* Süleyman Nutkî Bey. Ertugrul Firkateyni Faciasi. Istanbul: Bahriye Matbaasi 1897* Süreyya. Donanma mi Simendifer mi? Istanbul: n.p., 1911* Bas, Ersan. Çesme Navarin, Sinop Baskinlari ve Sonuçlari.Istanbul: Piri Reis Arastirma Merkezi, 2007* Batmaz, Sakir. “ Abdülhamid Devri Osmanli Donanmasi” (Ph.d thesis Erciyes University, 2002)* “An Example of the Efforts to Train Naval Personnel during the Reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II: The Torpedo School” in ed. Emir Yener Logbook of the Ottoman Navy: Ships, Legends, Sailors. Istanbul: Pera Müzesi, 2009) * Bostan, Idris. Osmanlilar ve Deniz. Istanbul: Küre Yayinlari, 2007* Bulgurcuoglu, Hacer. “Deniz Tarihimizin Sembol Gemilerinden Mahmudiye” (master’s thesis, Mimar Sinan University, 2004)* Efsane Gemi Mahmudiye Kalyonu. Istanbul: Piri Reis Arastirma Merkezi, 2009 * Coad, Jonathan. The Royal Dockyards 1690-1850. Aldershot: Scolar Press,1989 * Çoker, Fahri. Bahriyemizin Yakin Tarihinden Kesitler. Ankara: Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanligi Karargâh Basimevi, 1994 * Danisman, Günhan. in eds. Emre Dölen & Mustafa Kaçar Türk Teknoloji Tarihi. Istanbul: 2003* Dumont, Paul. “Tanzimat Devri” in ed. Robert Mantran Osmanli Imparatorlugu Tarihi v. 2. Istanbul, Adam Yayinlari, 1999* Gencer, Ali Ihsan. Bahriye’de Yapilan Islahat Hareketleri ve Bahriye Nezareti’nin Kurulusu 1789-1869. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari, 2001* Georgeon, François. Sultan Abdülhamid. Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi, 2006* Gibbons, Tony. The Complete Encyclopedia of Battleships and Battlecruisers London: Salamander, 1983* Gömleksiz, Eda Gülsen. Mesudiye Zirhlisi. Istanbul: Piri Reis Arastirma Merkezi, 2007* Grant, Jonathan. “The Sword of the Sultan: Ottoman Arms Imports 1854-1914”, Journal of Military History, No. 66, Jan. 2002, pp. 9-28* Griffiths, Albert. “The Reorganization of the Ottoman Army under Abdülhamid II (1880-1897)”, (Ph.d thesis UCLA, 1966)* Güvenç, Serhat.“The Ottoman Navy in the Age of Dreadnoughts, 1909-1914”in ed. Emir Yener The Logbook of the Ottoman Navy: Ships, Legends, Sailors. Istanbul: Pera Müzesi, 2009* Heinzelmann, Tobias. Cihaddan Vatan Savunmasina: Osmanli Impratorlugunda Genel Askerlik Yükümlülügü 1826-1856. IstanbulBibliographie complémentaire- Anderson, R.C. - Naval wars in the Levant 1559–1853 - 1952.- Busk, Hans - Navies of the world - London, Boutledge, 1859- Fighting ships 1860-1905 - Conway's- O'Byrne - Naval annual for 1855 - Londres, 1855- ed. Ihsanoglu, Ekmeleddin; “Çagini Yakalayan Osmanli”,Istanbul 1998- ed. Keyder, Çaglar; Özveren, Eyüp; Quataert, Donald; “Dogu Akdeniz’de Liman Kentleri”, Istanbul 1994- Langensiepen, Bernd & Güleryüz, Ahmet; “Osmanli Donanmasi 1828 –1922“, Istanbul 2000- Sakaheddin-Bey : La Turquie à l'Exposition Universelle de 1867"
(affrétés à la Cie FévaïdiOsmanié)à héliceMalakoffKarsTounaHumaï-TerfikYildizOmar Pachaà rouesYassitaï-TidjaretPeik-i-ChérefSavni-BariChahberGursudNumaïchPessendPéivend
à héliceTaraboulousOltensiasHassanà rouesKilidj A'aliHayereddinEsser-i-NuzhetEsser-i-TidjaretMoussoulBehberHoumaï PervazFal HaïrS r'atNedjin-i-CherafPelenkBoyain5 affrétés par la Cie des Courriers du Bosphore (Chirket Haïrié) 5 ravitailleurs flotte
Yachts impériauxSultaniéTaliaIzzedinPerter-i-NialéSureyaYacht prince impérialSili…Yacht du ministreSuhlié
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